Several updates:
1) Approximately 40 animal-named stunning hasta mudras (hand gestures) have been counted – thanks to the beautiful Mudras of India book by Cain and Revital Carroll. We’ll delve into some more of these in the Animal Yoga Workshops.
2) Breaking news: Animal Yoga™ has been selected to hold a taster class at London’s Om Yoga Show this October! Super exciting! We’ll hold a 30 min taster session on Sunday 25th Oct at 1.30pm and will be there to participate in the show on the Saturday too. Do come see us!
3) Donations to the two selected charities that Animal Yoga™ fundraises for will now be on an annual basis (as opposed to monthly as previously posted) – this is in alignment with other paperwork admin functionalities of society and also saves processing time for both the charities and the social enterprise of Animal Yoga™. Research is continuing with the help of expert advice as to what the optimal way forward in terms of legal structure/status for Animal Yoga™ is – we want to be held accountable but without the cost of incorporation, at least whilst we’re very small.
Another post before too long 🙂 xxx