Introducing our newest patron…

Long-standing yoga and movement teacher/mentor and imminent author Leonidas Peppas is the latest new patron of Animalia Asana®:

Embracing all that has come before us can help us to appreciate who we are as a species, to deal with the human condition and to respect the profound teaching that process has to offer. This can help us to become ecological human beings that are more at one with nature and to find the wisdom this humility provides. Understanding who we are can develop from an awareness not only of what makes us unique, but also of the commonality we share with animals. Much of what we have to learn simply comes from honoring what already is. Appreciating the nature of life can support our creativity and thus our intelligence can shine and differentiate.“ ~ Leo Peppas

Leo has created some stunning imagery around some of the animal yoga postures. He is kindly sharing these with Animalia Asana. We look forward to his forthcoming book, which is keeping us all in suspense and is sure to offer as much inspiration and grounding for our explorations into the animal element within yoga. Leo offers mentoring programmes for other yoga teachers and shares specialist workshops on the asanas and the ir origins (developmental movement patterns). We all have to wait patiently for his visit to our own respective countries or save up to visit another country he is due to share his valuable insights with… exciting! Take a look at some samples of his work. Thanks so much for your support, Leo!