Animalia Asana invited to school…

Pleased to report Animalia Asana has been invited to share some wellbeing/mental health yoga sessions on an inset day with school teachers in Fife, Scotland 🙂
The sessions will be dedicated to the animal postures and shall focus particularly on the stress response systems in animals… humans included!
Animalia Asana Founder and Teacher Jenny says:
“I primarily focus on exploring the multifaceted animal element in yoga, but yoga for mental health is my main other interest (indeed this is how I first came to practice myself during a time of particular struggle in my life). Indeed, I think these two aspects are related too, not least because we ultimately need to take care of our own animal natures and needs on a biological/physiological/spiritual level in order to take care of our mental health. Another hat I am currently wearing is as a remote part-time university lecturer (with the Centre for Animal Welfare at the University of Winchester) in the field of animal welfare science, ethics & law; one topic I teach is on stress awareness/responses and the consequences of stress in animals, and as humans are also animals the crossovers are very apparent!”
50% of funds going to registered animal charities IAR and FIAPO; 50% to be reinvested into Animalia Asana (no wages paid).

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